Project location: Nowshera

Project start and end dates: March – November 2015

Project description

BEFARe and AAR Japan have worked in partnership in 2012 and 2013 to improve the educational facilities and enhance sanitation awareness of 7 schools in Afghan refugee camps as well as 25 schools in the host communities in district Nowshera. The three separate projects supported massive structure repairs that were badly needed and also constructed a large number of new cstructures like classrooms, toilets, verandas etc. The structures were constructed considering the special needs of children with disabilities.

BEFARe has been awarded this project by AAR Japan to review its partnership with BEFARe to continue disseminating the importance of sanitation and hygiene in the 39 schools supported in the year 2012, 2013 and 2014. A two day ToT Refresher Sessions on sanitation and hygiene awareness are to be held for 235 teachers of the 39 already benefited Afghan and Pakistani schools.

Moreover a maintenance seminar inviting teachers of the 7 Afghan schools and 36 Pakistani government schools is to be held to share examples of good practice of facility maintenance, sanitation and hygiene habits for strengthening school management systems.